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Meet the Spartans Blu-ray Review

Unrated "Pit-of-Death" Edition

Score: 57

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

Despite commendable audio and video quality on Blu-ray, 'Meet the Spartans' is an atrocious parody with uninspired humor and lackluster supplements—best avoided.

Meet the Spartans Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 69

Despite its lackluster content, 'Meet the Spartans' boasts a high-quality 1080p, 1.85:1 transfer with impressive fine detail, rich color reproduction, and deep black levels. Minor issues with grain and occasional washed-out effects shots do not detract from the overall excellent video presentation.

Audio: 59

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtracks deliver deep bass, crisp dialogue, and dynamic surround effects with notable moments of booming thunder and bass during key scenes. Despite the movie's quality, the audio presentation stands out with an engaging and well-balanced soundstage that is clear and punchy.

Extra: 47

The Blu-ray extras for 'Meet the Spartans' provide a range of features, including a lively commentary track, multiple pop culture trivia games, a music-focused segment, and various featurettes such as 'Prepare for Thrusting' and a set tour. Despite their abundance, these supplements often lack substance and fail to elevate the overall package.

Movie: 31

Meet the Spartans attempts to spoof big-budget films and pop culture but falls short with forced, crude humor, poor execution, and a lack of meaningful satire, making it a cinematic atrocity best avoided.


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