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The Darkest Hour Blu-ray Review

Score: 65

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

"The Darkest Hour excels in video and audio quality but falls short with dull characters and a repetitive story, offering only mindless entertainment."

The Darkest Hour Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 72

The Darkest Hour's 1080p transfer is impressively sharp with excellent black levels, balanced colors, and a film-like texture; however, the 3D transfer falls short, offering minimal depth and experiencing light ghosting and darker imagery compared to the 2D version.

Audio: 75

The Darkest Hour on Blu-ray boasts a top-tier DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack, delivering haunting surround effects, crisp dialogue, powerful and authentic gunfire, and finely-tuned bass, all creating a cohesive and immersive sensory experience.

Extra: 52

The Darkest Hour's Blu-ray extras offer a short film that's superior to the main feature, an insightful visual effects featurette, a collection of deleted and extended scenes with optional director commentary, and an informative audio commentary by Chris Gorak covering production history, casting, and shooting in Moscow.

Movie: 52

The Darkest Hour attempts to blend alien invasion thrills with a survival narrative, but ultimately falters due to recycled plotlines, thinly developed characters, and an over-reliance on special effects, leaving the audience disengaged and indifferent to the outcome of its protagonists.


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