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Miami Vice Blu-ray Review

Score: 55

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

Mixed reviews on 'Miami Vice' Blu-ray; praised for technical aspects but debated in storytelling and chemistry.

Miami Vice Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 50

Miami Vice's Blu-ray release sparks debate with its intentional, gritty HD video aesthetic and noisy visuals, remaining true to its theatrical look but dividing viewers.

Audio: 60

Universal's Miami Vice Blu-ray elevates the audio experience with a remarkable DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack, offering clearer dialogue and immersive action sequences, despite some dialogue clarity issues.

Extra: 51

The 'Miami Vice' Blu-ray extras offer in-depth Michael Mann commentary, technical insights, and featurettes on production, showcasing Mann's dedication to realism and detail.

Movie: 61

Nostalgia and critique blend as 'Miami Vice' transitions from vibrant '80s culture to a gritty film, maintaining core elements while evolving in depth and realism under Mann.


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