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Mimic Blu-ray Review

The Director's Cut

Score: 68

from 4 reviewers

Review Date:

Mimic's Blu-ray features a closer version to del Toro's vision with solid performances, exceptional 7.1 audio, and insightful commentary, though some image quality issues persist.

Mimic Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 60

"Mimic's" Blu-ray transfer, approved by Guillermo Del Toro, features an AVC encoded 1080p presentation in 1.85:1, emphasizing deep blacks, natural grain, and a gothic atmosphere. While shadow detail is intentionally minimal for atmospheric effect, noise in dark scenes and some compression flaws are notable. The transfer showcases saturated colors, especially in well-lit scenes, with Del Toro's cyan and amber palette faithfully rendered. Despite a few imperfections, this release is the best the film has looked at home.

Audio: 75

Mimic's DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 mix is impressively immersive, delivering both aggressive robustness and subtle nuances, especially in subterranean sequences. With clear dialogue, precise panning effects, and resonant LFE, this soundtrack exemplifies a high-quality, dynamic range that exceeds typical home video expectations.

Extra: 71

Despite some frustrating forced trailers, the Blu-ray extras for 'Mimic' offer a compelling package headlined by Guillermo del Toro's detailed and honest commentary, insightful featurettes on the film's production and creature design, deleted scenes, and entertaining storyboard animatics and gag reel.

Movie: 69

"Mimic: The Director's Cut" is a flawed but essential restoration of Guillermo del Toro's vision, greatly enhanced by a fantastic transfer, precise color timing, and ferocious black levels. Despite several screenplay issues and production compromises, this version boasts improved emotional resonance, skin-crawling moments, and bravura set-pieces.


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