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A Perfect Murder Blu-ray Review

Score: 60

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

The Blu-ray's technical merits outshine the film's uneven narrative, making it a worthwhile watch for its excellent video and audio presentation.

A Perfect Murder Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 70

The 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray of 'A Perfect Murder' provides a detailed and film-like image with deep blacks and rich hues, capturing Wolski’s cinematography effectively. Colors are richly rendered with visible woodgrain and intricate tile details, while maintaining a natural grain structure without compression artifacts.

Audio: 63

A Perfect Murder's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track effectively uses the full speaker array to create a sense of ambiance, with clear dialogue and solid bass extension in James Newton Howard's score, though rear channel and LFE use is minimal in scenes not requiring heavy bass.

Extra: 53

The Blu-ray extras of 'A Perfect Murder,' while technically insightful and comprehensive in production aspects, suffer from disjoined and fairly unengaging commentaries, with Michael Douglas providing the most compelling insights, especially regarding his role and the rejected alternate ending.

Movie: 53

A Perfect Murder’s Blu-ray showcases a visually stunning homage to Hitchcock's 'Dial M for Murder,' but fails to capture the original's suspense, substituting it with 90s thriller clichés and inconsistent character motivations. While Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow deliver tension-filled performances, the film's latter half dwindles into a predictable cat-and-mouse game that never quite delivers on its initial promise.


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