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23:59 Blu-ray Review

Score: 54

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

'23:59' shows genuine intentions but fails with a generic story, sketchy antagonist, and sub-par audio, despite decent video quality and a making-of feature.

23:59 Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 64

23:59's Blu-ray offers a decent 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 presentation with a 1.78:1 aspect ratio, marred by inconsistent blacks, banding, and occasional crushing in dark scenes. Despite these flaws, the digitally shot film delivers sharpness and clarity, highlighting textures and fine details exceptionally well for a low-budget production.

Audio: 59

While '23:59' features a dual 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio mix in Mandarin and English, both tracks suffer from a front-heavy presentation. Dialogue is crisp and solid, but surround channels are underused, with occasional directional effects during jungle scenes. The monotonous scoring is well-distributed, unlike the sparse atmospheric effects.

Extra: 44

Making Of (23:02, SD) offers engaging behind-the-scenes insights with enthusiastic cast and crew interviews, despite considerable movie padding. The feature details story origin, dramatic motivation, and production challenges, including leech extractions and a runaway wild boar. Trailers (3:04, SD) provide brief promotional content.

Movie: 51

23:59's earnest performances and decent production values can't mask the film's identity crisis, blending a mishmash of horror clichés from ghost stories to possessions, resulting in an overcrowded and underdeveloped narrative that fails to establish a coherent or engaging paranormal villain within its brief runtime.


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