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Unknown Blu-ray Review

Score: 65

from 3 reviewers

Review Date:

"Unknown" falters as a convoluted Bourne knockoff, but Warner’s Blu-ray boasts near-perfect AV quality, making it worth watching for its stunning presentation.

Unknown Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date


Video: 77

The Blu-ray of 'Unknown' delivers a nearly flawless 1080p presentation with superb detail, strong black levels, and a striking, wintry color palette that's skewed towards teal, maintaining sharpness without digital anomalies, making it a near demo-worthy transfer.

Audio: 80

Warner's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix for 'Unknown' delivers crystal-clear dialogue, precise directional effects, and immersive surround sound, enhanced by dynamic LFE that punctuates action scenes, making for a gripping audio experience.

Extra: 39

The Blu-ray of 'Unknown' falls short on extra features, offering only two brief, promotional featurettes — 'Liam Neeson: Known Action Hero' and 'Unknown: What is Known?' — each running just around 4-5 minutes and essentially serving as flashy, barebones electronic press kits.

Movie: 58

Unknown, while boasting excellent video and audio on Blu-ray, disappoints with a convoluted plot riddled with implausibilities and derivative elements. Despite Liam Neeson's commendable performance and a strong supporting cast, the film's pacing, excessive plot twists, and lack of originality make it underwhelming and ultimately unsatisfying.


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