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The Other Side of Hope Blu-ray Review

Toivon tuolla puolen

Score: 74

from 2 reviewers

Review Date:

A politically charged yet charming film with excellent character portrayals, accompanied by Criterion's superior supplemental features and clean video transfer.

The Other Side of Hope Blu-ray Front Cover

Disc Release Date

Video: 81

The Other Side of Hope on Blu-ray, presented in its original 1.85:1 aspect ratio and encoded with MPEG-4 AVC at 1080p, delivers flawlessly clear and detailed visuals with solid black levels and accurate color reproduction, reflecting the intentional washed-out palette. The transfer, approved by Aki Kaurismaki, was created in 2K from the 35mm original negative and features excellent depth, clarity, and stability without any noticeable encoding anomalies.

Audio: 86

The Other Side of Hope's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track delivers clear, crisp dialogue and a modest dynamic range with good surround presentation, although the sound design remains minimalistic, consistent with Aki Kurismaki's style.

Extra: 74

The Blu-ray extras for *The Other Side of Hope* include a poignant 15-minute interview with actor Sherwan Haji, insightful festival footage featuring Aki Kaurismäki, a heartfelt dedication to Peter von Bagh, four engaging music videos, an illustrated essay by critic Girish Shambu, and a concise trailer—all in high definition.

Movie: 71

The Other Side of Hope, presented by Criterion, showcases Aki Kaurismäki's shift towards political engagement, blending dark humor with social satire. Despite well-executed cinematography and acting, the mix of comedy, drama, and poignant refugee narrative delivers a unique but controversial critique on socio-political themes.


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