Jackie Chan's Panda Plan on Blu-ray February 18 from Well Go USA
Action-packed comedy-adventure starring Jackie Chan releases Feb 18 via Well Go USA Entertainment

Panda Plan, starring martial arts legend Jackie Chan, debuts on Digital, Blu-ray™, and DVD on February 18, courtesy of Well Go USA Entertainment. Directed by Zhang Luan, the film features action choreography by Lü Shijia. The cast includes Wei Xiang, Shi Ce, and Han Yanbo.
In this thrilling comedy-adventure, Jackie Chan adopts a zoo panda named Hu Hu, becoming the target of an international crime syndicate that sets out to abduct the panda. Teaming up with his agent and the panda's caretaker, Chan embarks on a mission to thwart the criminals in a series of action-packed encounters.
The movie has a runtime of approximately 99 minutes and is not rated. Anticipate extraordinary martial arts sequences interwoven with humor and excitement. Available in both English and original languages, Panda Plan ensures an engaging experience for diverse audiences.
For collectors and fans, the Blu-ray edition will present audio options including DTS HDMA 5.1 and Stereo. Pre-orders are underway, signaling significant interest in what promises to be a captivating addition to Jackie Chan's storied filmography.
Release Date: 18/02/2025

Source: AV NirvanaBlu-ray.com