Director: Hideo Sekigawa
Actors: Isuzu Yamada, Eiji Okada, Yoshi Katô
PlotIn the aftermath of the atomic bombing in a devastated city, the film follows the lives of several survivors struggling to find a semblance of normalcy in a landscape marred by unimaginable destruction. Among these survivors are families torn apart, children left orphaned, and individuals grappling with debilitating injuries and illnesses caused by the radiation. The narrative primarily focuses on a schoolteacher determined to protect her students and keep hope alive amidst chaos. The harrowing conditions of makeshift hospitals and the frantic search for missing loved ones paint a poignant picture of the countless personal tragedies unfolding in the wake of the catastrophe.
As these characters navigate their harsh new reality, they also face the psychological scars left by the bombing. Flashbacks reveal the sheer terror experienced during the explosion, contrasting with present-day efforts to rebuild their lives. Community bonds begin to form as survivors come together in their shared grief and resilience. The indomitable spirit of the people becomes a central theme, highlighting the strength required to move forward despite an uncertain future. Through its portrayal of human suffering and endurance, the film offers a powerful commentary on the profound impacts of war and the enduring quest for peace.
Writers: Yasutarô Yagi
Release Date: 16 May 1955
Runtime: 85 min
Rating: TV-PG
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese, English
Home Video Reviews
A fascinating and historically significant film that offers a unique Japanese perspective on the Hiroshima bombing, though it has some technical challenges.
Read our review of Hiroshima Blu-ray ひろしま Arrow Academy to find out more