Day of the Falcon

Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
Actors: Tahar Rahim, Antonio Banderas, Mark Strong
PlotIn a desert kingdom during the early 20th century, two rival emirs, Nesib and Amar, forge a fragile peace by agreeing to a truce that includes Nesib taking custody of Amar's two young sons, Saleh and Auda. The treaty establishes the "Yellow Belt," a strip of land that is deemed a neutral zone, separating their territories. Years pass, and the boys grow up under Nesib's care, with Saleh being groomed for war and Auda growing to love books and knowledge. The kingdom's fragile peace is shattered when valuable oil reserves are discovered in the Yellow Belt, turning the desolate land into a coveted resource for both emirs. Nesib views the oil as a means to bring prosperity to his people, while Amar considers it exploitation that will attract foreign interests and disrupt the balance of power.
Conflict erupts as Nesib attempts to secure the oil fields, leading to a series of confrontations that inevitably involve Saleh and Auda, who are forced to confront their loyalties to their father, their guardian, and each other. Auda, initially uninterested in power, is thrust into the political and violent upheavals that follow, discovering his inner strength and leadership along the way. As the two emirs vie for control over the Yellow Belt and its resources, the stakes grow higher, imperiling fragile alliances and stirring the deep-seated tensions that threaten to plunge the entire region into chaos.
Writers: Menno Meyjes, Jean-Jacques Annaud, Alain Godard
Release Date: 01 Feb 2013
Runtime: 130 min
Rating: R
Country: France, Italy, Qatar, Tunisia
Language: English
Home Video Reviews
Day of the Falcon boasts impressive video and immersive audio, but falls short in storytelling and character depth, making it more suitable as a rental.
Read our review of Day of the Falcon Blu-ray Black Gold to find out more