The Clones of Bruce Lee

Director: Joseph Velasco
Actors: Ryong Keo, Irina Shevchenko, Bruce Le
PlotAfter the sudden death of a world-renowned martial artist, the international crime-fighting agency sets a groundbreaking project into motion. A brilliant scientist is recruited by the agency's enigmatic leader to create three clones of the legendary fighter using advanced genetic technology. These clones are developed not only to preserve the warrior’s unique talent but also to help combat rising criminal organizations threatening global peace. As the clones mature rapidly, each exhibits distinct elements of the original’s fighting prowess, though they possess varying degrees of skill and personality traits. The agency trains them intensively, blending martial arts mastery with their inherent combat skills, preparing them for dangerous missions against enemies who grow stronger and more sinister with each passing day.
As the clones embark on their missions, they encounter adversaries filled with deadly intentions, including a mysterious, powerful crime syndicate with a complex infrastructure. Through numerous battles, challenges, and power struggles, each clone begins to question their purpose and identity, wrestling with the shadow of the figure they were modeled after. Scenes oscillate between adrenaline-filled combat sequences and introspective moments where the clones confront their own humanity or lack thereof. The agency’s plans become increasingly ambitious, leading towards a dramatic confrontation that tests the loyalty, ingenuity, and raw power of each clone. The stakes rise drastically as each mission unravels deeper layers of conspiracy, revealing that there’s far more to their creation than just ensuring the safety of the world.
Writers: Kuang-Hsin Wu
Release Date: 14 Aug 1980
Runtime: 91 min
Rating: R
Country: Hong Kong, Philippines
Language: Mandarin, English
Home Video Reviews
A gonzo, daft exploitation film with decent technical merits, ideal for a Bruceploitation Film Festival, offering fun supplements despite its absurdity.
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