Director: N/A
Actors: Jeremy Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh
PlotSet in the bustling backdrop of New York City during the festive season, the story follows a seasoned hero who is seeking a peaceful Christmas with his family. Unexpectedly, his past deeds as a vigilante draw attention when a young, skilled archer stumbles upon his old alias. The young archer, full of admiration and ambition, unwittingly becomes entangled in a web of criminal activities related to her mother's enigmatic fiancé and the dark underworld of the city. As she quickly realizes she's out of her depth, the reluctant veteran hero must step in to ensure her safety and rectify the chaos that his past has caused. Their paths intertwine as they find themselves on a thrilling and dangerous adventure, filled with formidable foes and challenging situations.
The two form an unlikely partnership, one trying to valiantly protect the other while imparting valuable lessons about heroism and the consequences of one's actions. Alongside their quest, they come across other figures with their own motives and secrets, which further complicates their mission. As events unfold, the hero is forced to confront not only external threats but also personal guilt, while the young archer navigates her transformation from enthusiastic amateur to a formidable force in her own right. Together, they embark on a race against time, learning to trust each other amidst escalating stakes that threaten to disrupt their plans for a peaceful holiday season. The journey tests their resolve and brings clarity to what it truly means to be a hero.
Writers: N/A
Release Date: 24 Nov 2021
Runtime: 60 min
Rating: TV-14
Country: United States
Language: English, American Sign
Home Video Reviews
A superb 4K UHD release for Hawkeye: The Complete First Season delivers excellent Dolby Vision and Atmos audio, with enjoyable extras despite lacking Blu-ray copies.
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