Hannah and Her Sisters
Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Mia Farrow, Dianne Wiest, Michael Caine
PlotThe story revolves around the intricate personal lives of three sisters living in New York City. The eldest sister, Hannah, is a successful actress married to Elliott, who harbors a secret infatuation with her younger sister Lee. Lee, meanwhile, is in a tumultuous relationship with a troubled artist named Frederick. The youngest sister, Holly, is a struggling actress and writer who is constantly searching for direction in her chaotic life. Over the course of two years, the characters experience various romantic entanglements, bouts of jealousy, and moments of personal growth.
As Elliott wrestles with his feelings for Lee and attempts to reconcile them with his loyalty to Hannah, Lee herself begins to question her own relationship and future. Holly, on the other hand, navigates through a series of professional and romantic challenges, striving to find her niche in both her career and personal life. Their parents, also part of the artistic and intellectual milieu, provide a backdrop of past experiences and lingering issues, influencing the current dynamics among the sisters. The narrative is interwoven with themes of love, betrayal, forgiveness, and self-discovery, capturing the complexities of familial and romantic relationships.
Writers: Woody Allen
Release Date: 14 Mar 1986
Runtime: 107 min
Rating: PG-13
Country: United States
Language: English
Home Video Reviews
A highly recommended barebones Blu-ray that faithfully preserves Woody Allen's perceptive and unassuming classic, despite modest video and audio quality.
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