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The Bad Guys

The Bad Guys Poster

Director: Pierre Perifel

Actors: Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Awkwafina


A notorious criminal crew comprised of anthropomorphic animals, known for their legendary heists, finds themselves in a tight spot after a particularly daring heist goes awry. The gang includes Mr. Wolf, the charming and slick leader; Mr. Snake, the cynical safecracker; Ms. Tarantula, the tech-savvy hacker; Mr. Piranha, the muscle with a short temper; and Mr. Shark, the master of disguises. When their latest escapade leads to their capture, Mr. Wolf brokers a deal to avoid prison, promising that the Bad Guys will reform and become model citizens. With their history as master thieves, the task of proving their genuine change of heart is met with widespread skepticism from the public and law enforcement alike.

Forced into the role of do-gooders, the gang begins their quest to show the world they are capable of good deeds, all while grappling with their own identities and the life of crime they know so well. They embark on a journey of self-discovery that starts with a charity ball and newfound notoriety as reformed villains. But as they delve deeper into their charade of redemption, the group uncovers a new challenge that questions their loyalties and tests their commitment to their new path. An underline tension spreads among them - can a bad guy truly turn good or is their nature simply immutable?


Writers: Aaron Blabey, Etan Cohen, Yoni Brenner

Release Date: 22 Apr 2022

Runtime: 100 min

Rating: PG

Country: United States, United Kingdom

Language: English, Spanish

Home Video Reviews

The Bad Guys 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Score: 84

The Bad Guys

4K UHD Blu-ray

The Bad Guys delivers immersive audio, vibrant visuals, and fun for all, highly recommended.

Read our review of The Bad Guys to find out more