The Life Before Her Eyes
Director: Vadim Perelman
Actors: Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva Amurri
PlotThe story revolves around Diana, a high school student, who faces a harrowing decision during a school shooting. Alongside her best friend Maureen, she is confronted by the shooter in the school bathroom, forced into a terrifying moment that asks them to choose who lives and who dies. This traumatic event is the focal point around which the narrative is constructed, exploring the themes of choice, survival, and the burdens of guilt. The incident starkly contrasts the innocence and simplicity of teenage concerns they were immersed in moments before, bringing a profound and life-altering seriousness to their young lives.
Years later, Diana is now an adult, struggling with the psychological aftermath of the shooting. As she navigates her role as a mother and wife, her memories of the past and the choice she made in that bathroom continue to haunt her. The film explores the ways in which trauma shapes and distorts reality, intertwining flashbacks of her teenage years with her current life. It delves into the complex interplay between memory and present experience, revealing how unresolved issues can seep into one's everyday existence. The narrative builds around Diana's struggle to come to terms with her past, examining the impact of trauma on identity, relationships, and one's perception of life.
Writers: Laura Kasischke, Emil Stern
Release Date: 05 Sep 2008
Runtime: 90 min
Rating: R
Country: United States
Language: English
Home Video Reviews
High-end home cinema setup meets 'The Life Before Her Eyes'—a visually striking, flawed yet engaging film.
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