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Director: Sam Mendes

Actors: Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, Lucas Black


In the intense heat of the desert, a young recruit, Anthony Swofford, embarks on a challenging journey as he trains to become a sniper in the U.S. Marine Corps during the first Gulf War. Alongside his comrades, Swofford navigates the exhausting and often brutal conditions of boot camp, which tests the limits of his physical and mental endurance. Under the tough guidance of Staff Sergeant Sykes, a no-nonsense instructor, Swofford and his fellow Marines are molded into a combat-ready unit, prepared to face the harsh realities of warfare. Despite the grueling preparation, Swofford struggles with the monotony of daily life in the military and the psychological toll of waiting for a war that seems just out of reach.

As the troops are deployed to the Middle East, the specter of conflict looms large. The endless waiting and harsh desert conditions serve as a crucible, further intensifying the soldiers' restlessness and sense of dislocation. Swofford, caught between the camaraderie forged with his fellow soldiers and his own internal battles, finds himself questioning the nature of war and his role within it. The experience of being a soldier, far from the romanticized notions of heroism and glory, is revealed as a complex, often contradictory journey. Amidst the backdrop of a looming conflict, the film delves into themes of identity, brotherhood, and the stark realities of military life, presenting an unflinching look into the heart of a soldier.


Writers: William Broyles Jr., Anthony Swofford

Release Date: 04 Nov 2005

Runtime: 125 min

Rating: R

Country: United States, United Kingdom, Germany

Language: English, Spanish, Arabic, Latin

Home Video Reviews

Jarhead Blu-ray Front Cover

Score: 54



Jarhead: acclaimed yet debated, stellar Blu-ray, lacks extras.

Read our review of Jarhead to find out more