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Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday Poster

Director: William Wyler

Actors: Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert


A young European princess, overwhelmed by her suffocating schedule, decides to take off for a night when her family visits Rome. In search of freedom and an escape from her royal duties, her adventure begins when she secretly leaves her country's embassy. The sheltered princess is eager to explore life outside the palace walls, but her lack of experience with the everyday world leads to her falling asleep on a public bench.

An American news reporter, looking for a scoop, stumbles upon her asleep on the bench. Initially unaware of her royal identity, he sees an opportunity for an exclusive story and offers his apartment to her for the night. His ulterior motive: to get an insider's interview with the runaway princess. As they spend time together, the reporter is struck by her charm and innocence, and a genuine connection forms between the two, complicating his intention to exploit their encounter for his career.


Writers: Dalton Trumbo, Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton

Release Date: 02 Sep 1953

Runtime: 118 min

Rating: Passed

Country: United States, Italy

Language: English, Italian, German

Home Video Reviews

Roman Holiday 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

Score: 84

Roman Holiday

4K UHD Blu-ray

Roman Holiday's UHD release & Hepburn's debut enchant with timeless charm, superb quality, and engaging extras.

Read our review of Roman Holiday to find out more